Paralympic Winter Games

Source:Jiangyin Muhe import&Export Co., Ltd Release time:2022-03-04 16:24:35 Author:1327

The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics was held at the National Stadium on the evening of March 4. The fire seeds for this Winter Paralympic Games were collected online from Mandeville, England, the birthplace of the Paralympic Games, together with 8 urban fire seeds collected from the three competition areas of Beijing, Yanqing, and Zhangjiakou.

The last torchbearer was the Beijing 2008 Paralympic men's triple jump F11 champion Li Duan, a visually impaired athlete. He embedded the torch in his hand into the Snowflake Torch Stand, and the slight fire remained in everyone's heart.

The light lasts forever, and the hope lasts forever - a small fire is not a small fire!

At this moment, from this moment, we will guard this little fire in our hearts together, and guard this light within our reach.

Wish all athletes the best of luck and wish the Beijing Winter Paralympics go smoothly.

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