Recommended Diving Spots

Source:Jiangyin Muhe import&Export Co., Ltd Release time:2022-05-17 11:37:24 Author:2468

1. Great Barrier Reef

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the largest and longest coral reef group in the world. It is located in the southern hemisphere and has 2,900 large and small coral reef islands. The natural landscape is very special. It is one of the top ten island tourist attractions in the world, attracting thousands of tourists to visit and dive here.

2. Palau Islands

Palau is an atoll located in the east of Mindanao, Philippines. It consists of a large barrier reef, numerous small islands and fewer barrier reefs. The non-toxic jellyfish lake, Rock Islands, and milk lake in Palau are very popular in diving enthusiasts.

3. Great Blue Hole

The Great Blue Hole is the fourth deepest underwater limestone cave in the world. The world-famous marine pioneer Jacob Yves Cousteau rated it as one of the top ten diving treasures in the world. One of the ten most mysterious water caves in the world with stalactites and stalagmites, and a variety of gentle and lazy shark species to swim with divers.

There are still many places to dive in the world, the underwater world is always so fascinating, you can try it if you have the opportunity.